“I keep running up against the same roadblock”.

“I know I need to get up and finish that book, but it feels so good laying here next to him”

“I can’t seem to get motivated to start/finish that project”.

“if I don’t get a certain number of ‘likes’ on this pic I’m going to be upset”.

“I’m going to pay for lunch, but I don’t  want anyone to know that I’m actually broke”.

“Why do I keep falling into the same  things?

Sound familiar? Distraction is the arch-enemy of success, and should be treated as such! Like any good distraction it knows your weakness, and therefore so should you. A good distraction will latch on to what you care about, i.e. sports, T.V., social media, being nosy, etc, but a GREAT distraction will latch on to what you REALLY care about! And our cares become our snares!  Don’t be fooled, snares are EVERYWHERE; at the coffee shop, in the kid’s room, on the internet and definitely on the “sillyvision” (television).  Let’s define our terms before we get started:

 snare (snɛə)


1. (Hunting) a device for trapping birds or small animals, esp a flexible loop that is drawn tight around the prey
2. (Surgery) a surgical instrument for removing certain tumours, consisting of a wire loop that may be drawn tight around their base to sever or uproot them
3. anything that traps or entangles someone or something unawares

vb (tr)

4. (Hunting) to catch (birds or small animals) with a snare
5. to catch or trap in or as if in a snare; capture by trickery
So a “snare” is a deceptive “trap”, usually hidden, disguised or decoyed! It’s used to capture and entangle! Like a “game-trail” Snares are best set in places we already go or travel!

Here are 5 ways to identify how “Snares” work in our lives:


1. Snares love our “Secret” Cares

Many of the snares in our lives can be traced directly back to those things we love to do or think in secret! We take pleasure in them and they take pleasure in us. Identifying them can be a little tricky, but just ask yourself:

  • Is it something I like to do/get done or over with quickly?
  • Is it something you do alone out of embarrassment, fear, or shame?
  • Do you talk or think a lot about it even without ever calling it verbally what it is?

Your secret cares have most likely disguised themselves by now. Through repeated indulgence and use they are no longer as easily noticeable. Remember, they are your enemy and look to destroy you and your success at all costs! You must gain a stronger sense of character and routine to overcome and gain mastery!


2. Snares adjust quickly to new Cares

You’ve heard the saying, “your’re only as strong as your weakest link”, well snares are exactly the same way. Snares are only as strong as your weakest distraction! Changing from sitting on your couch and playing Call of Duty all day to watching CNN all day is NOT a step up!  Once you start to master different areas of distraction, inevitably more will pop-up. Being firmly fixed on a short-term goal and FOCUS will keep you on track.


3. Snares keep us Caring about Profit, Pleasure & Advantage

The best pleasures usually hide the worst distractions! Many of them are innocent and healthful, but many of them can be destructive. Seeking an advantage, seeking profit all seem like worthwhile activities, but once achieved the real snare revels itself. The process of achievement have so molded us into selfish, self-centered individuals that the cycle always continues and we are forced to define ourselves by our success because no one else really wants to deal with us. Making the success of others our mission becomes our salvation.


4. Snares, Cares & Decoys

Why do duck hunters use duck decoys? To trick the other ducks in the pond? Of course not! It’s to lure DOWN the ducks flying high! Once you master many of the other potential distractions, snares get dirty and devious! Those that can help you the most can become your biggest snares! It’s no longer the television, no longer porn, no longer gossip, no longer selfishness, no longer self-indulgence…you have mastered self and have launched! As you begin to soar you will notice all of those that were soaring before you and even inspired and were examples to you! At this level, distraction does not come in the form of naked indulgence, that’s to easy, no, it comes in the form of like-minded eagles! They tend to “flap” a lot but never seem to get off the ground…or at least not for long! They talk the talk, have the look, but have not done the work. The longer they prolong you with them, the better they feel and the less you get done!

It’s like the story of the man who reached his 100 birthday. This was such an accomplishment the king invited him to the castle to celebrate. Well he was wined and dined and made the guest of honor for three days & nights straight…then he died! It was later determine the rich food, late nights and alcohol took their tole. for he was a man of modest food, early bedtime and sobriety. Don’t  kick away the ladder that got you on the roof…you’ll need it again!


5. Snares final Care

Men an women of integrity and character only have one last snare…their good name! Character and integrity will build a good name and reputation so the only distraction left to avoid are those that will try to ruin it. Slander should never be given place, ever. People will always talk about you, especially if you are on your path! Slander should only be addressed with your acknowledgement of innocence and that’s it! Slander, by definition is a false statement so needs no rebuttal. Non-slanderous comments have another name that’s called truth!  🙂 By addressing these types of distractions you run the risk of the slander being more believed than if he had said nothing about it. Most birds avoid being the dinner of hawks by realizing that hawks attack from above. In order to not become a meal, they simple fly higher then the attack! Drama needs to be fed to survive so starve this distraction by not feeding into it at all!


Snares are all around us just ready to rob us of motivation and acceleration. Take a look at your “cares” and make sure they do not become your snares!


Roland N. Gilbert, The Success Coach


Need help avoiding overcoming the “snares” in your life? Reach out to me TODAY
