CMR (Conflict-Mediation-Resolution!)

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CMR or Conflict-Mediation-Resolution! is a process by which people who are in conflict can be helped to communicate with each other about what is important for them and how to make decisions about resolving their disagreements. I provide clients with a supportive atmosphere and a method of talking to one another, assisting them to sort out the issues and come up with acceptable solutions, while making mutually satisfactory agreements.

The CMR process involves:

  • the parties listening to each other’s point of view without interruption
  • identifying issues which need to be resolved
  • sharing of relevant information
  • exploring ideas and options
  • testing possible solutions
  • putting decisions and agreements in writing


Benefits of Mediation:

  • Private and confidential
  • Usually more cost effective than going to court
  • Aims to preserve the relationship between parties
  • Parties come up with their own workable solutions
  • Contributes to a more enduring agreement
  • Can result in a more timely resolution of a dispute
  • Can be used to resolve almost any type of conflict


Some specific uses of Mediation:

  • To resolve conflict between persons in a family or business relationship
  • To resolve conflict arising out of a commercial transaction
  • To resolve conflict in the workplace
  • To resolve conflict in relation to a real estate matter
  • To resolve conflict in relation to a real or personal property dispute
  • To resolve conflict that has arisen in respect to a contract dispute


What can participants expect?

While decisions made are only legally binding with mutual agreement, as a Certified Mediator, I ensure everyone gets the opportunity to express his or her own point of view and is free to talk about issues of concern, with everyone present.

Contact me today and let’s start the process of reconciliation, and healing. What are you waiting for?



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