Good People (Relationships) Still Exist!
It’s okay. Good people still exist. Right motives do too...! Not everyone has turned over to the wiles and ways of society. We’re just afraid…period. We’re afraid this isn’t the right relationship, or we’re afraid it is. We’re afraid they won’t like us, or we’re...

3 Quick Ways to Deal With Conversation Hijackers & Dominators
You've just received great news! Your daughter was just chosen for new lead in a local city production and with excitement you reach out to your coworker to spread the joy. As you are explaining how hard it was for your daughter to accomplish this, your coworker...

What Are You Selling?
Whether you realize it or not, no matter your occupation, you are in sales! No matter what you "do", each and every day you will be put in a position of either "selling" others on your ideas or being "sold" on theirs. Your boss is going to sell you on why you should...

Developing Public Sector Leaders of the Future
There is no single best model for developing future leaders, because each local government has its unique public sector values to be emphasized and the management systems are different from county to county. Despite the diversity of strategies and approaches that...

Making the Most of Trade Shows
Trade shows are an effective way for small businesses to connect with prospects who are interested in your products and services. They allow you to meet potential customers face-to-face and begin to establish personal connections—giving these events an advantage over...

4 Simple Tips to Attract Local Customers
Not long ago, many people believed that small businesses could earn customers from around the U.S. simply by being on the Internet. It hasn’t exactly worked out that way. In a national survey by Sage North America, 74 percent of small businesses said the majority of...